

Image How did we treat thousands of patients with great accuracy? How  did we diagnose with such precision ? How did we predict and plan strategy of mutation of COVID  , When world could not? Friends  our success in covid management is a result of our understanding the virus in a way better than the rest of the world . We understood the characteristic presentation of virus , from the point of view of the host. Understanding the host is  our prowess of years , and working of reversal of cellular injury and reversing organ and functional pathological changes has been our scope of work. at the very start of the pandemic we understood how the virus is going to behave . Yoga and the visionary acumen it gives made us see within body what the virus would need to enter, grow, cultivate, spread and attack. based on this understanding we understood that the virus would be presenting itself not as a one sole pandemic but as a prolonged pandemic with endemic pandemic epidemi

A.R.M.E.D. strategy against COVID . PART1

 The world has faced enough. But is it enough?. Its just coming at us one after other, the danger ever so alarming. Sometimes presenting as nothing , sometimes dreadful. Yes friends the pandemic of C.O.V.I.D. isn't jut getting over. When will it end??      Need to find solutions. Need to rationalize efficiency of present solutions at hand. Vaccines. Mask, social distancing is it helping ? Yes and looking at figures all over sometimes i feel its NO.     What else then?            My self through my startup present you the A.R.M.E.D. strategy to finish this pandemic . I know you must be thinking what crap are we reading , hold on... spend some few more minutes of your and understand the unique solution A.R.M.E.D. will elaborate in parts,                                                                          1. What is ARMED                         2. How it is Done                          3. Benefits                                  4. Its effects